QQube Desktop Version 10.0 Build 572

Posted 9 months ago by CLEARIFY TEAM

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Release Details - February 2, 2023


QQube Version 10, Build 572 fixes several bugs relating to data not refreshing properly when upgrading, and several job costing data model fixes.  


  • Fix issue where the 36-period profit and loss would not load after an upgrade.
  • Fix issue involving a bug in the Intuit SDK which might cause the beginning inventory balance to be incorrect.  We have determined a way around the bug, as it is a consistent type of error.
  • Fix issue where estimated taxes were showing as income. 
  • Fix issue where the beginning balance for G/L would not show when extracting from a particular date.
  • Fix an older issue in the job cost data model where the amounts for inventory sales and COGS were correct, but the split accounts were not showing; there was only one line. Now there are separate lines for income and COGS, where the appropriate accounts for each are listed. 
  • Fix issue where subtotals were incorrectly showing as income in the job cost data model.

Enhancements to the Customer Experience

  • Certain out-of-the-box PowerPivot examples could take longer than expected when refreshing data.  This is normally due to having a great number of jobs, classes, etc in columns.  For instance, if you ran a profit and loss by job, and you had a few hundred jobs - without any filters - it would take a long time to refresh the first time.
  • We have changed certain examples, so that this doesn't become a possibility.  We instead post instructions on the sheet to place those fields in columns on a "volunteer" basis - and also allowing you to filter out the number of jobs, or classes, etc. so that it is a more palatable experience.   This has nothing to do with QQube - it is just the Power Pivot technology.

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