QQube Desktop Version 10.0 Build 567

Posted 9 months ago by CLEARIFY TEAM

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Release Details - December 13, 2022


Version 10 is a milestone in QuickBooks reporting and visualization, providing exceptional out-of-the-box analytics - in particular for Excel PowerPivot and Power BI - that literally saves customers thousands of dollars when compared to using raw connectors or starting from scratch.

This version includes speed enhancements, bug fixes, the ability to choose a range of data to be extracted from QuickBooks, EBIDTA for financial statements, additional measures in several detail data models, over five thousand DAX measures for Power Pivot and Power BI, and more than 100 additional improvements to cement its legacy as the most complete tool for QuickBooks analytics.

Date and Data Control

You can control the range of data you pull in from QuickBooks.

  • Currently this is a global setting for all files if using a multi-company add-on.

More options for default "As Of" dates for A/R and A/P


You get to decide what date "Today" is, in QQube

This affects any dependent measure or DAX formula in a QQube data model.  For instance, if you define Today is 9/21/2022, but the actual date is 10/01/2022 then current month is based upon the 9/21/2022 date.

Data Models

New Terminology

  • Data model better describes our comprehensive offerings, and easily differentiates us from raw connectors.

  • Data Models are complete unto themselves with no other data dependencies.

New Fields

  • Added over 100 new fields for better reporting and visualization

Simplified Financial Reporting Options

  • Standard Monthly Period.  Compendium of financial statements, available for all desktop versions of QuickBooks, and contain 36 whole period (month) columns. Forecast amounts are not available.

  • Advanced Monthly Period.  Profit and Loss Statements, available for QuickBooks Enterprise Desktop only, and contain 36 complete periods (month) with actuals, budget and forecast amounts.

  • Flexible Custom Period (NEW!)  Available for QuickBooks Enterprise Desktop only, and primarily designed for Excel PowerPivot and Power BI.  Amounts are aggregated by day - so you can get true Month-to-Date or Year-To-Date type of columns.

    • Profit and Loss

    • Profit and Loss by Class

    • Balance Sheet


  • Available in Access, Crystal Reports, Power Pivot, Power BI, Tableau (not regular Excel)

  • Based upon the following words within the Profit and Loss Expense and Other Expense section:

    • 'Interest'

    • 'Tax'

    • 'Deprec'

    • 'Amort' 

New Profit and Loss by Job

  • Available for QuickBooks Enterprise Desktop only, and primarily designed for Excel PowerPivot and Power BI.  Amounts are aggregated by day - so you can get true Month-to-Date or Year-To-Date type of columns. Refresh times are improved by 90% over the previous implementation of this data model.

Job Costing

  • Vehicle Mileage has been completely rebuilt for much improved usability and relevance.

  • Billable Status fields for Vehicle Mileage, Time Tracking and Job Cost Details, have been expanded so you can get simple metrics such as % billed, % not billable, etc.

Power BI Extravaganza

  • We have completely rebuilt ad re-tooled all Power BI examples with additional fields, new visualizations, and over 5,600 DAX measures which are efficiently formulated under the watchful eye of world-renowned DAX expert Marco Russo.

  • Over 300 visualization examples, including mobile phone previews.

Power Pivot

  • Use the same base Power Query and DAX formulas found in the Power BI examples.


  • All data models have been re-created from scratch.


Optional Company Synch Toggle

  • You can determine which files you want to clear from scratch every time they are loaded via the scheduled synch. Multi-company add-on only.

Improved Calendar Functionality

  • Re-tooled calendar dimensions serve three purposes:

    • Presentation e.g.  Month Year [Jun 2021] or Quarter-Year [Q1 2021]

    • Efficient use in Power BI

    • Removal of antiquated fields that served minimal, if any, function

  • New combined Calendar and Fiscal Year Date Dimension for PowerPivot and Power BI

Financial Statement Presentation

  • DAX Formulas and Power BI Implementation mean that ragged hierarchies e.g. one account section only contain level 1 accounts and another account section contains level 2 accounts - leading to ugly (blank) rows, that need to be manually hidden. No more ugly financial statements in Power BI or Power Pivot.

Fiscal Year Setup

  • For multiple QuickBooks files, you can user either:

    • First fiscal month indicated in the QuickBooks file

    • Specify fiscal year starting month for all files

Improved Consistency

  • Fields in all included examples for Tableau, PowerPivot, Excel, and Power BI, now have the same names, and default field display.

  • Fields are named to help you locate them, whether the list is in natural database order, or in alphabetical order.


  • Improved organization of information with regard to loaded data models.

  • Simplified/shortened log for multiple company files - option to remove list and transaction load details.

Bug Fixes, typos, excel add-in corrections


Fix issue where adjustment of lot/serial numbers would not update properly after any subsequent synch. 

Fix issue where prefixes of certain Document and Date Attributes may be incorrect and show GLPLTxn instead of GLTxn. 

Fix issue where an untethered amount was showing in general ledger and payroll. Affected Pro/Premier QuickBooks desktop only. 

Fix issue where may budget not showing in Calendar Year 2022. 

Fix issue where payroll item and 0.00 in payroll details caused index issue. 

Fix issue where log file would not open up in Windows 11 on latest processors. 

Fix issue where QQube payroll for all versions of QB had the incorrect effective payroll date, which affected the ability to reconcile yearly liabilities in our example reports. 

  • SDK has an Effective Liability Date - and now reflects the correct value. This will allow proper reconciliation of liabilities.

  • QBE has an Effective Liability Date - and now reflects the correct value. This will allow proper reconciliation of liabilities.

  • QBE dependent Payroll Data Model showed Pay Period Start Date and End Date values - and there should be none. This has been corrected.

  • Result:

    • QBE only has Transaction Date (which is also Fully Paid Date) and Effective Payroll Date

    • SDK only has Transaction Date (which is also Fully Paid Date) and Effective Payroll Date

Fix issue where job dimension contains incorrect null value markers for job end date and job projected end date.   Corrections:

  • job end date - 21

  • job projected end date - 22

Fix duplicate payment entry for document dates in A/R Detail. (applied in 736H)

Fix journal entry foreign amount to match amount instead of 0.00 

Fix issue where a bill contained an item, then the Offset Account was showing as "no account". 

Fix issue where Minus amounts on bills were not correctly shown as being fully paid. 

Fix issue where 0.00 bill minus line items were doubled under open amount instead of 0.00 

Fix Issue where tax showed incorrectly as income on estimate.

Fix issue where a positive amount on a credit memo would cause incorrect applied amounts, both for document total, and for job cost details. 

Fix issue where the Audit Trail Total Number of Changes was incorrect.


  • Document Paid/Open Status to Document Current Paid/Open Status in certain transformation elements.

  • Shipe method to ship method for a single transaction.

  • Fix value for Fixed Asset Item Purchased New/Used

  • Profit and Loss Detail have improper Prefixes (e.g. GLTxn instead of correct GLPL)

  • CashReq instead of OpenAR in Cash Position Document Attributes for TimeCreated and TimeModified.

  • Correct spelling of Ship OR Bill Address PostalCode to Postal Code

  • Change Typo in item Receipt for Cash Position from '(A/P)' to the correct 'A/P' (Bug 133)

in AssemblyBOMSub:

  • "MainAssemblyTimeCreated" is now corrected to: "SubAssemblyTimeCreated"

  • "MainAssemblyTimeModified" is now corrected to: "SubAssemblyTimeModified"

  • "Main Assembly Class" is now corrected to: "Sub Assembly Class"

in vd_AssemblyBOMItem:

  • "ItemTimeCreated is now corrected to: "AssemblyItemTimeCreated"

  • "ItemTimeModified is now corrected to: "AssemblyItemTimeModified"

  • "Main Assembly Class" is now corrected to: "Assembly Item Class"

Excel Add-in Missing Fields

Fix all instances where certain fields were in the QQube database, but were not made available for the Excel Add-In:

  • Item Class

  • Employee and Employee HR Class

  • AP Interval

  • AR Interval

  • Customer, Job, Vendor Classes

  • Add AP Interval and AR Interval

  • Period 01 Beginning Balance for Statement of Cash Flows by Class

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